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An Apple A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away

You heard of the saying "An Apple a day will keep the doctor away." However, does an apple a day really rid of the doctor for a day and improve your health?  The saying originally came from the "Notes and Queries" in 1866. The saying was originally "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread," in the publication. The saying has changed decades later, but the meaning remains the same that apples are good for you.  Most people like to peel their apple and throw the peel away. Did you know eating the peel is pact with antioxidants and nutrients.  Here are nutrients in apples that are beneficial to your health and why you should have one every day to keep the doctor away.

Apples are an excellent source of pectin. Pectin is a high source of fiber. It contains iron and great for treating diarrhea and and aid to weight loss.

Vitamin C boosts your immunity. It is a preventative nutrient factor from  common colds and illnesses.

Boron promotes strong bones and a healthy brain. It a fighting nutrient against osteoporosis and arthritis. Boron is good for brain function, possibly for short term memory loss.

Quercetin is a anti-viral agent against cancers like lung and breast cancer. It neutralizes free radical damage in the body. It is the solution to age health related problems such as Alzheimer's.

Phytonutrients contain vitamin A and E. It also fights free radical cells. Beta-carotone is a precursor of Vitamin A.
The compound reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Researchers from Cornell's Food Science and Toxicology Department in Ithaca, N.Y., found antioxidants in apples were equal to 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C.(WedMD)

A research study was done with a group conducted by researcher Rui Hai Liu, MD, PhD with colon cancer. Studies have proven that the colon cancer cells decreased by 43% when patients were treated with Apple extract. We've noticed the combination of "beta-carotone and Vitamin C." Discovering the combination of certain nutrient compounds is important when making a solution to diseases. The conclusion is different phytochemicals when combined are a preventative source to cell damage.

Apples prevent tooth decay and can act as a toothbrush killing bacteria in your mouth. Apples are also great to use when juicing. It also is known to reduce high blood pressure.  Before consuming, make sure you always wash your fruits with vinegar water to wash off all pesticides. It is best to get an organic apples, or straight from the apple tree. Apples are affordable, has low calories, and overall a healthy food choice.


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