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Everyday Formula For Skin Care


Commonly in my youth I was always made to use products like CreaVe, Vaseline, or Palmer’s Coco Butter to eliminate dryness in my skin. I use to use a coco butter stick, or had to melt it down to get it to work in the elbows and the knees. These products were crucial especially when seasons changed to the Winter. 

You ever heard the saying “You have to be comfortable in your own skin.” We’ll you do! Here are the basic formulas for very eczema dry to oily skin. 

Dry Skin

If skin is overly dry it is good to use a beeswax based moisturizer. Ingredients like Shea butter, coco butter, or coconut oil helps with eliminating dryness and act as conditioners in general for your skin. Using a good face toner and astringent are always good to rebalance the natural moisture in the face and unblocks pores that would otherwise cause blackheads and breakouts. Natural astringents like Witch Hazel or  Apple Cider Vinegar may have a less pleasant smell but are natural effective cleansing agents.  For the face, formulas such as Alpha -hydroxy acids (AHA) Exfoliating your skin at least once a week helps remove dead skin cells better than scrubbing which can leave abrasions on your skin. Hyaluronic acid is also good for dry skin and is a humectant that hydrates your skin by drawing moisture from the air. It is best to wear this formula in humid conditions.

Oily skin

When the skin is oily, you need products to extract the oil out. Using an oil balancing cleanser will help balance the moisture of the skin.  Formulas with ingredients like Tea tree oil or charcoal helps balance the skin.

Normal to Combination Skin

Combination dry and oily skin in one can be a challenge when you use trial an error to eliminate the oil and moisturize the dry patches. Formulas with hyaluronic acid, rose water or green tea oil are good for balancing combination skin.


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